My Policies
Welcome to the Barnum Piano Studio! The policies set forth will enable this studio to run as effectively as possible. I am honored to share my love for the piano with you and your family! As my dad always admonished, “keep the music going”, so we will do just that – keep the music going!
Thank you!
Jamie Barnum, NCTM
private weekly lessons
A minimum of 4 days of practice, with 5 days being optimal, ensures your student will progress towards their goals and aspirations as a pianist. Practicing the day after your lesson is essential for solidifying the lesson material! Beginners start with 10-15 minutes each day and we build from there as each student progresses. Remember: Repetition is the key to our success as learners. Diligent, scheduled practice in a quiet environment will set your student up for a successful weekly routine.
An acoustic piano will give your student the optimum response with their musical endeavors. If you have an acoustic piano, a yearly tune is essential to aid your student’s musical ear and to keep your instrument in working order. If you opt for a keyboard, please purchase a full size weighted keyboard with a piano style pedal.
Weekly lessons are offered in 30; 45 and 60 minute increments. Our “piano year” for school students coincides with the school year which is 10 months. Adult lessons keep going all year!
Summer lessons are strongly encouraged to keep students engaged, but are scheduled with more flexibility to meet family summer routines. Students who do not take any summer lessons find themselves reviewing for the first month and sometimes longer during the regular “piano year”. Beginner students need summer lessons the most as they readily forget so much if there isn’t constant review. Please consider some summer lessons for your student. We always have fun in the summer with new music exploration!
Students are expected to arrive on time with their lesson materials, prepared and ready to go.
Make-up lessons will be offered for illness and family emergencies.
Missed lessons for any other reason may be offered a make up lesson if there is an open slot later in the week. A 24 hour notice is required if there is a schedule conflict. Sometimes life happens beyond our control and I am willing to work with you to the best of my ability to ensure your student’s piano routine is not interrupted.
Adults and School Students: The studio is closed for Thanksgiving week and 2 weeks over Christmas.
School Students:
The studio is closed for the Fall Break in October (TN,GA, NY); Mid-Winter Break (NY only) and Spring Break (TN, GA, NY). These weeks may be used for make-up lessons if the schedule permits.
Other family vacation weeks that occur beyond the vacation weeks stated in the piano calendar will not be offered a make-up lesson.
‘No show and no call’, or a call at lesson time stating the student will be absent will not be offered a make-up lesson.
• School Students are charged a flat rate fee per month for the “piano year” of 10 months which is your commitment to this studio.
• Early termination of lessons during the “piano year” will incur a $50.00 fee along with the tuition due for that month as your time slot is reserved for the entire “piano year”.
• Summer Lessons are charged according to the number of lessons you schedule.
• Invoices are sent out via email on the 1st of the month. Tuition is due by the 10th of the month, with a $5.00 late fee if tuition is not received by the 15th of the month.
• Invoices are sent through the software and you can conveniently pay with this option using your credit or debit card. There is a small convenience fee of 1.5% that will be charged to each transaction if you do use this payment option.
• Tuition can be paid online through the music portal, by check or cash. Please make checks payable to Jamie Barnum 3455 Ridgefield Dr. Murfreesboro TN 37129.
• Post dated checks are also an option. Payment for the entire “piano year” is also accepted if that is more convenient.
• Performance Opportunities (NFMC, Guild, Barnum Spring Festival) are paid for separately depending on the adjudication you are entering and will be collected throughout the year.
• At least TWO summer lessons must be taken in order to guarantee a spot in my lesson roster for the “piano year” resuming in the fall.
Registration / Policies & Tuition Agreement
I agree with the registration fee, policies and tuition prices for the upcoming summer schedule and “piano year” 2022-2023, and understand that these policies are subject to change if need be to keep the Barnum Piano Studio running smoothly throughout the year. Fee and agreement due at the year-end recital in June.
By typing in your name and information below, you adhere to our policies.
Signed ____ parent’s or adult’s signature
Student’s Name(s)__
Updated address and phone numbers (if changed from previous info)_____